Rozprawa doktorska

J. Berlińska, Scheduling divisible loads in heterogeneous distributed systems, Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011.


  1. B. Mor, J. Berlińska, Scheduling problems on parallel dedicated machines with non-renewable resource, Annals of Operations Research (2025).
  2. Y. Zinder, J. Berlińska, B. M. T. Lin, Scheduling jobs with shared additional operations on parallel identical machines, Computers & Operations Research 170 (2024) 106780.
  3. J. Berlińska, M. Drozdowski, T. Robertazzi, Optimum Large Sensor Data Filtering, Networking and Computing, Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems, Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems 35 (2023) 431-440.
  4. J. Berlińska, Scheduling data gathering with variable communication speed and startup times, Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Dynamic Scheduling Problems, Winterthur 2023, 25-30.
  5. J. Berlińska, B. Mor, Scheduling data gathering with background communications and a processing stage, Computers & Industrial Engineering 171 (2022) 108467.
  6. J. Berlińska, A comparison of priority rules for minimizing the maximum lateness in tree data gathering networks, Engineering Optimization 54 (2022) 218-231.
  7. J. Berlińska, Makespan minimization in tree data gathering networks with memory limits, Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, Oropa 2022, 218-221.
  8. Y. Zinder, J. Berlińska, C. Peter, Maximising the Total Weight of On-Time Jobs on Parallel Machines Subject to a Conflict Graph, w: P. Pardalos, M. Khachay, A. Kazakov (eds), Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research: 20th International Conference MOTOR 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12755, Springer, Cham 2021, 280-295.
  9. J. Berlińska, B. Przybylski, Scheduling for gathering multitype data with local computations, European Journal of Operational Research 294 (2021) 453-459.
  10. J. Berlińska, A. Kononov, Y. Zinder, Two-machine flow shop with dynamic storage space, Optimization Letters 15 (2021) 2433–2454.
  11. J. Berlińska, B. Mor, Scheduling in data gathering networks with variable communication speed and a processing stage, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Dynamic Scheduling Problems, Poznań 2021, 27-32.
  12. J. Berlińska, Scheduling to minimize maximum lateness in tree data gathering networks, Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, Toulouse 2021, 54-57.
  13. J. Berlińska, Scheduling in data gathering networks with background communications, Journal of Scheduling 23 (2020) 681-691.
  14. J. Berlińska, Heuristics for scheduling data gathering with limited base station memory, Annals of Operations Research 285 (2020) 149-159.
  15. J. Berlińska, Makespan Minimization in Data Gathering Networks with Dataset Release Times, w: R. Wyrzykowski et al. (eds), Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 13th International Conference PPAM 2019, Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12044, Springer, Cham 2020, 230-241.
  16. J. Berlińska, A. Kononov, Y. Zinder, Two-Machine Flow Shop with a Dynamic Storage Space and UET Operations, w: H. Le Thi, H. Le, T. Pham Dinh (eds), Optimization of Complex Systems: Theory, Models, Algorithms and Applications. WCGO 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 991, Springer, Cham 2020, 1139-1148.
  17. J. Berlińska, Scheduling in a data gathering network to minimize maximum lateness, w: B. Fortz, M. Labbé (eds), Operations Research Proceedings 2018, Springer, Cham 2019, 453-458.
  18. J. Berlińska, B. Przybylski, Scheduling for gathering multitype data, Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, Renesse 2019, 170-172.
  19. J. Berlińska, Scheduling non-preemptive data gathering affected by background communications, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Dynamic Scheduling Problems, Poznań 2018, 41-44.
  20. J. Berlińska, Scheduling data gathering with limited base station memory, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Project Management and Scheduling, Rome 2018, 42-45.
  21. J. Berlińska, M. Drozdowski, Comparing Load-Balancing Algorithms for MapReduce under Zipfian Data Skews, Parallel Computing 72 (2018) 14-28.
  22. J. Berlińska, Scheduling Data Gathering with Maximum Lateness Objective, w: R. Wyrzykowski et al. (eds), Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 12th International Conference PPAM 2017, Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10778, Springer, Cham 2018, 135-144.
  23. J. Berlińska, Scheduling Data Gathering in 2-Level Tree Networks, Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, Seeon Abbey 2017, 17-19.
  24. J. Berlińska, Scheduling data gathering with variable communication speed, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Dynamic Scheduling Problems, Poznań 2016, 29-32.
  25. J. Berlińska, Scheduling for data gathering networks with data compression, European Journal of Operational Research 246 (2015) 744-749.
  26. J. Berlińska, M. Drozdowski, Scheduling Multilayer Divisible Computations, RAIRO - Operations Research 49 (2015) 339-368.
  27. J. Berlińska, M. Drozdowski, Algorithms to Mitigate Partition Skew in MapReduce Applications, Raport Techniczny RA-01/15, Instytut Informatyki Politechniki Poznańskiej, 2015.
  28. J. Berlińska, Communication scheduling in data gathering networks with limited memory, Applied Mathematics and Computation 235 (2014) 530-537.
  29. J. Berlińska, M. Drozdowski, Mitigating Partitioning Skew in MapReduce Computations, Proceedings of the 6th Multidisciplinary International Scheduling Conference: Theory & Applications, Ghent 2013, 80-90.
  30. J. Berlińska, M. Drozdowski, Scheduling Divisible MapReduce Computations, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 71 (2011) 450-459.
  31. J. Berlińska, M. Drozdowski, Scheduling and Performance of divisible MapReduce applications, 10th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, Nymburk 2011, 162-164.
  32. J. Berlińska, M. Drozdowski, Heuristics for multi-round divisible loads scheduling with limited memory, Parallel Computing 36 (2010) 199-211.
  33. J. Berlińska, Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes for Scheduling Divisible Loads, w: R. Wyrzykowski et al. (eds), Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 8th International Conference PPAM 2009, Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6068, Springer, Berlin 2010, 1-10.
  34. J. Berlińska, M. Drozdowski, M. Lawenda, Experimental study of scheduling with memory constraints using hybrid methods, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 232 (2009) 638-654.
  35. J. Berlińska, M. Drozdowski, Heuristics for Divisible Loads Scheduling in Systems with Limited Memory, Proceedings of the 4th Multidisciplinary International Scheduling Conference: Theory & Applications, Dublin 2009, 321-329.
  36. J. Berlińska, M. Drozdowski, Dominance Properties for Divisible MapReduce Computations, Raport Techniczny RA-09/09, Instytut Informatyki Politechniki Poznańskiej, 2009.
  37. J. Berlińska, M. Drozdowski, M. Lawenda, Multi-Installment Divisible Loads Scheduling in Systems with Limited Memory, Raport Techniczny RA-07/08, Instytut Informatyki Politechniki Poznańskiej, 2008.